Sustainable, Environmentally Friendly Hybrid Plants

As Arel Enerji, we believe that sustainable growth can only be possible by adopting environmental protection approaches and integrating them into all decision-making processes. While carrying out our activities, together with all of our stakeholders, we are committed to protecting the world's natural resources and minimising environmental impacts. We believe that our future cannot be separated from the future of the society and the world we live in.

Energy Efficiency Activities

As Arel Energy, we aim to use all our resources in the most efficient way and to establish environmentally sensitive and sustainable systems while carrying out waste separation activities in order to regain value in clean energy production.

Utilisation of Waste Heat

In energy production from domestic waste, waste heat is generated as a by-product as well as electrical energy as a process output. We use the waste heat generated for heating the administrative buildings in our facilities and greenhouses in some of our facilities.

Rooftop Solar Energy System

We meet the energy needs of our sorting facilities with the solar energy system installed on the roofs of the facility buildings where we carry out waste sorting operations.