Fields of Activity

Electricity Generation Activities

Waste Separation Activities

Carbon Emission Reduction

Agriculture and Greenhousing

Electricity Generation Activities

As Arel Energy, we carry out electricity generation activities from methane gas generated from domestic and animal wastes in Afyon, Manavgat, Isparta, Muğla, Çorum and Zonguldak with a total installed capacity of 34 MW, all from renewable sources.

Waste Separation Activities

We separate organic and recyclable wastes in our solid waste landfills.

We carry out the separation of organic and recyclable household wastes in our mechanical separation facilities located in Menteşe, Fethiye, Marmaris, Manavgat and Milas Landfills.

Carbon Emission Reduction

As Arel Energy, we produce clean energy by using landfill gas generated in landfills. In this way, we contribute to the fight against the global climate crisis by preventing the release of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We have taken a step to certify each tonne of carbon dioxide we prevented from being released into the atmosphere through mechanisms known as global carbon markets. As Arel Energy, we aim to sell the certificates we will obtain in international carbon markets and use them in our new investments that support our goal of an environmentally friendly, sustainable and clean world.

Agriculture and Greenhousing

In addition to electrical energy as a process output in energy production from domestic waste, we carry out greenhouse cultivation and various agricultural activities by utilising the waste heat generated as a by-product in the heating of our greenhouses.

Electricity Generation Activities

Working principles and environmentally friendly solutions in alternative energy production.